Florida House Introduces $400 Million Motor Vehicle Fee Reduction

If you own a vehicle registered in Florida, you could see your license fee reduced.

State lawmakers and Governor Rick Scott support reducing that tax.

Susan Phillips had her check book out at the Leon County Tax Collector’s office. She was paying taxes to renew her license for two vehicles, a jet ski and a trailer. “It was approximately $233 and some change, so yes, that cuts into a lot of people’s budgets,” said Phillips. “But I choose to have those vehicles so therefore I feel like I have to pay the taxes for them,” she said.

Susan is far from alone. In 2009 with Florida’s economy struggling, lawmakers raised the vehicle taxes to help cover the decline in money the state was getting. Now with the economy and the state’s tax money collections improving, Governor Rick Scott and lawmakers want to roll back vehicle taxes to the 2009 level. “We don’t manufacture money in Tallahassee,” said State Senator Greg Evers. “We got to take it out of somebody’s pocket before we can spend it. And I’m just happy we’re able to put some back in somebody’s pocket,” he said.

Leon County Tax Collector Doris Maloy says when the tax was increased, her office worked to inform customers so they could come in before the increase went into effect. Now she’s waiting to see what the ultimate outcome will be at the Capitol. “Any time there is a benefit to the customer, and we’re all for that, we really don’t know what the impact will be long term, but certainly in the short term it seems very, very positive,” Maloy said.

“Any time you can lower our taxes, I’m all for that like everyone else,” said Phillips.

It appears the debate at the Capitol isn’t about whether or not this reduction will happen, it’s mostly about ironing out the details.

If approved as expected, the reduction would go into effect September 1.


Source:  WCTV

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