A Device That Will Allow You To Text And Drive Safely?
Despite the known danger and some laws aimed at preventing it, a new device called RayGo claims to make texting while driving safer. CLICK ON THE HEDLINE FOR MORE
Despite the known danger and some laws aimed at preventing it, a new device called RayGo claims to make texting while driving safer. CLICK ON THE HEDLINE FOR MORE
A ban on all cellphone use behind wheel sought in bill. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
And it's not just texting that's under fire - the bill would also punish typing anything into a phone, including social media, or punching an address into a GPS. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
If you know how your state's point system works, you'll have a better game plan for keeping your license -- and your auto insurance rates low. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR 10 THINGS EVERY DRIVER SHOULD KNOW
Critics say legislators didn’t go the full measure when they made the infraction a secondary offense rather than a primary one. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE