VIDEO: They Speed, Run Red Lights, Text While Driving – No Wonder They’re No. 1 On The List
U.S. traffic deaths rose by more than 7 percent, to 35,092 in 2015, the largest single-year increase in five decades. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
U.S. traffic deaths rose by more than 7 percent, to 35,092 in 2015, the largest single-year increase in five decades. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
Three of the United States’ deadliest interstates go through the Sunshine State. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
Tesla’s autopilot could hardly be more reckless than semi-sentient drivers engrossed in their iPhones, staring down at their laps instead of the road, either praying or playing Pokémon. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE
A ban on all cellphone use behind wheel sought in bill. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE